A WILDLIFE hospital in south Essex has urged residents to stop using “glue traps” after rescuing a robin.

The South Essex Wildlife Hospital rescued a “poor” robin who was trapped in a glue trap.

A glue trap is a small board made of cardboard, fiberboard, or plastic that's coated with a sticky adhesive. It can ensnare any small animal who wanders across or lands on its surface.

This is illegal in the UK, and it is an offence to use them to catch animals.

A spokesman for the South Essex Wildlife Hospital said: “We do feel like a little bit of a broken record here, but please stop using glue traps.

“Whilst The Glue Trap (Offences) Act (2022) is due to ban these traps very soon, we still see far too many cases of animals – like this poor robin – getting firmly glued in place.

“Trying to get them free is a long, risky and stressful process and, sadly, many are not able to cope with the stress of being unable to move.

“Not only is it a horrific way to die, but the risk of bycatch is huge. Please do not use these horrific devices.”