Stargazers are in for a special treat this weekend as the Orionid meteor shower is set to be visible in the UK.

Known as the most reliable in the meteor shower calendar, the Orionid has been active since the start of October but will be at its peak in the coming days.

On Saturday 21 and Sunday 22, October, the Orionid will be at its peak allowing much of the world to see the impressive display.

Here is everything you need to know about the Orionid meteor shower, including when to see it and how best to see it.

When will the Orionid meteor shower be visible in the UK?

As previously mentioned, the Orionid meteor shower will be at its peak on October 21 and 22 between midnight and dawn.

Whilst it will be at its peak during these days, you can see the shower for a few days before and after its peak.

What is the Orionid meteor shower?

Unlike other meteor showers, the Orionid is a piece of Comet 1P/Halley, gaining it the name, Halley's Comet, according to the Royal Museum Greenwich.

Although the shower has a display every year the comet typically only flys pass the earth only once every 75-76 years.

The Orionid follows a path around the sun and leaves a path of tiny debris, this debris then enters the earth's atmosphere at speeds of 41 miles per second, vaporising from friction with the air to create meteor.

Echo: The Orionid meteor shower will be visible this weekend.The Orionid meteor shower will be visible this weekend. (Image: PA)

How to see the Orionid meteor shower in the UK? 

Astronomers advise lying on your back and using your eyes - no telescopes or binoculars - to watch a shower, as you want to see as much of the sky as possible.  

NASA has also recommended giving your eyes time to adjust to the dark - so going outside half an hour before the shower is due to start.

"Try to stay off of your phone too, as looking at devices with bright screens will negatively affect your night vision and hence reduce the number of meteors you see," the space agency posted in a blog.